Hi, Hola, Óla, and Welcome!

I'm Christina.

I gotta be real right now.. "about me" sections are always so hard for me to write! I love family, friends, love, coffee, uncontrollable giggles, animals, and photography along with so much more. I have always loved taking pictures, but my passion for photography (the technical side) began when my oldest was a baby and I have enjoyed every bit of learning the latest and timeless ways to share my art with you.

Photography, art, and images are so important to me because it is a way to not only remember details about what people and moments looked like, but also ways to bring back how it all felt. I grew up as a third culture kid, so photos mean so very much to me since visiting childhood friends, countries, and homes is very tough to do! If you like to laugh, create wonderful memories, or bring your personality to your business with brand imagery, then I'm your girl. Can't wait to meet you!